Biofuel News Digest January 7th

In his State of the State address, Governor Pataki threw New York State's hat in the biofuel ring. Using his executive powers, he is ordering state agencies to start using a percentage of biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. He also is looking to boost the state's agricultural output of feedstock for biofuels. Pataki is considered a possible candidate for the 2008 Presidential race. IOd wishes New York success and hopes that biofuels are a major campiagn issue in 2008 as well.

In the continuing effort to educate the public on the benefits of biofuels, biodiesel wins the support of a key group. Biodiesel burns much cleaner than conventional diesel. But it still produces emissions. Net emmisions of carbon are of course reduced, but there is an increase of NOX. In evaluating the alternative between biodiesel and conventional petro diesel, this Kentucky cancer fighting group decided that biodiesel is a win in their cause.

In an effort to prevent the loss of manufacturing jobs in his state, Govenor Tom Pawlenty is pitching the conversion of a Ford plant to Biofuel ready vehicles. Following GM's announcement in December that they will be shuttering several plants, Ford's CEO William Ford stated that Ford would be making a similar annoucement in January. IOd will follow this story.

Hybrid vehicles are taking off. The automakers project that hybrids will constitute a significant percentage of of their fleets in a few short years. However, the growing interest in biofuels has also caught their attention. Saab and BMW demonstrated biofuel cars at this year's LA Auto Show.
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Jesse Jenkins, at 4:33 PM
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