Terrapass -- Emissions Offsets

I just plunked down on a new idea. What if you could do something so that the CO2 emissions from your car were absorbed and wouldn't impact global warming. Dependeing on your interpretation, Terrapass offers just such an opportunity. Visit their site and first you will calculate how much carbon dioxide your vehicle spews into the air. Then you will be offered the opportunity to purchase the right type of Terrapass. The proceeds of this purchase are used to help fund clean energy projects. By bringing more renewable or clean generation online, our electricity grid uses less coal or other fossil fuels. Most states are adopting Renewable Fuel Standards or RFS for short. Also, consumers are electing to switch to renewable energy when given the choice by their electricty utility. When we bring clean electricity generation online, we use it first before the carbon based alternative. So, after spending the almost $80, I'm still a little skeptical. How does $80 offset almost 18,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide? The explanation on their website does a pretty good job of explaining the model. Still, I'm left scratching my head. But with the number C-notes I've laid down on numerous Black Jack tables over the years, I figure a socially responsible bet offers just as much of a thrill!
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